Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Soon to come

The breeze blows cool on the back of my neck
Enough to send shudders down my spine
Leaves on the trees wave like old friends
Ripples in the grass make an ocean of green

The clouds burn off making way for the sun
Warmth on my face like sitting too close to a fire
Barefoot on cement as cold as the ice in my drink
It all hints of what is soon to come

Soon, Spring will give way to its more powerful kin
It will be here in full force with all that it brings
Heat so hot the sweat pools just by being
Humid enough to make the flowers bow out gracefully

Green turns to desert, will be tumbleweeds be next?
People head toward beaches in droves, like wagons heading west
Children bury back packs like treasure they don’t want anyone to discover
A familiar sound rings out, Good Humor for all those that give chase

I welcome it all because
Summer means freedom
Summer means salvation
Summer is my escape