Saturday, June 7, 2008

Who likes easy anyway?

I tried to escape from the world
Tried and failed
Life hunted me down
A shark to blood

Peace is impossible
Happiness is unattainable
Just when you think you are there
You are served a crippling blow

"Knocked down 7 times,
stand up 8," at least thats what they say
It seems like it would be easier to just
Eliminate the whole getting knocked down part

Maybe thats what I'll do,
Find a way to stay on my feet
Now that seems easier said then done
Who likes easy anyway?

The deal

What is the deal?
Nothing can just go smoothly
I don't ask for much
What is the deal?

I just want to be happy
And not be bothered.
That can't be too much to ask for,
What is the deal?

I wish to avoid stress
But it seems thats impossible.
Is that greedy of me?
What is the deal?

Try to be supportive of others
But lack support in return.
How silly of me to want that too?
What is the deal?

Respect and compassion,
Two simple wants
But too complex to receive
What is the deal?

Perhaps isolation is the key,
Solidarity seems a dream.
Am i too old to dream?
What is the deal?

Everyone else has these issues
But they don't seem to complain about it.
Life is simple, why does it feel so complicated?
What is my deal?